A walk in Gorizia
This time a series of a bit more personal photos. As many times before, we went for a walk in Gorizia, Italy. It’s like it keeps calling our names each time we drive close by. At least to have a cup of coffee in one of those charming little caffetterias or browse through books in our favourite bookstore. We find walking its streets hopelessly romantic and nostalgic at the same time. Although growing up 40 km apart, we share similar memories of this city.
When we were kids, this was like a promised land for us. Those rare Saturdays when parents drove us to Italy felt like holidays. Shop windows filled with unique goods, inviting us to step in. A new pair of “pantaloni” or a new winter jacket you’ve been longing for, for months. The lively chatter, the smells from the bakeries and the freshly cut “mortadella”. The taste of “panini” that we ate at the parking lot before returning home was our definition of luxury and felt better than any 5 star restaurant. We found joy in simple things. We dare to say that life was simpler. We had way less stuff but loads of dreams.
Today, many of those lively streets are staying quiet. Windows closed. The smell of bread and mortadella only comes back in my imagination. Supermarkets era brought convenient shopping for low prices and forced many small businesses to shut down.
Yet we find ourselves running away from shopping malls and still love this city so much. With its rich architecture, warm people that politely stop when they see you taking photos, often even start a random conversation (“Come vengono le foto?”) that instantly makes you feel accepted and at home.
To us, this city still has way more soul than any modern centre ever could. And we wanted to capture a few shots, just for the love of it. The way we feel it.
With love, Ursha & Primož